Copyright @ IWSP1 Egypt. All rights reserved. Under authority of the Holding Company for Water and Wastewater ("HCWW"), Egypt.

IWSP 1 Objectives


Specific overall development goals (impact) of the IWSP 1 are:

  • To improve the health status of the population in the programme area
  • To improve environmental conditions in the programme area
  • To further improve the framework conditions in the water and wastewater sector.

Other objectives of the IWSP 1 are:

  • To support the institutional strengthening of the HCWW and the four ACs;
  • To contribute to the financial and overall sustainability of the HCWW and the four ACs and
  • To support the efforts undertaken by the GoE, aiming to improve the quality of life of the low and middle-income strata of the population in the four target Governorates.

The programme objective is to ensure adequate, hygienically acceptable, efficient, and financially sustainable water supply and sanitation services in the four target Governorates of the IWSP 1. Specific objectives are:

  • To develop investment planning, steering, and monitoring capacities in the HCWW;
  • To strengthen investment planning, implementation, and operational capabilities of the water- and wastewater management of the ACs;
  • To support the gradual introduction of a tariff system that assures a full coverage of operating and maintenance costs (including depreciation);
  • To improve the technical and financial performance of the AC in the target Governorates.

The IWSP 1 will provide support towards meeting these objectives by an Investment Component improving the physical infrastructure of the four ACs and by a TA Component further developing the capacity of the ACs and the HCWW to better cope with the fulfillment of their tasks.